Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Christian Interpreter Camp 2013

A vital, yet often overlooked aspect of the missionary field is the interpreter.  Interpreting and translating is a special skill set that requires training beyond mere proficiency in a second language.  Because this type of training is not prevalent - especially when dealing with the specific vocabulary set used in the Christian world - GoodSports views the Christian Interpreter Camp as a golden investment.  You are only as effective as your interpreter is...

At the request of the camp director, Éva Kriszt, our team from Cedarville University prepared their personal testimonies, devotions and mini-sermons.  The students in the camp were able to practice the skills they learned in class as they translated side-by-side and simultaneously.

Here are some thoughts from different members of the GoodSports team:

"The best part of the camp has been getting to hear people’s testimonies.  Hearing from Christian’s of all ages, and a variety of backgrounds was an encouraging experience." – Josh.

"The best part of translator camp, in my opinion, was that the student’s ability to translate was tested well.  They had no idea what we would say when giving a devotional or testimony, and they rose to the challenge." – Edy.

"I loved the preparation for the camp.  In the evenings we would sit around with our Bibles and discuss what we would talk about the next day.  It was encouraging to hear so many different viewpoints over each passage of scripture." – Courtney.

"I think the best part was that the translator’s had the opportunity to learn, and practice using, the vocabulary of the church.  It’s a specific vocabulary set, and it’s not something you would pick up on the street.  For the speaker’s who are doing missions work it was a great learning experience – working out the timing of giving a devotional or a sermon with a translator."  - Aaron.

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