So often in American-style Christianity so much emphasis is put on the moment a person accepts Christ that we forget that this is just one step (although a critical step) in a long process that started long before this point and continues for the rest of one’s life. Over the past few weeks, we have seen a number of kids give their lives to Christ. From a missionary perspective, it would be easy to call it a success. But real life is much more complicated than that.
Christ, as our example, shepherded his disciples through doubt and misunderstanding to eventually accept Him as Christ and Saviour. But before His death on the cross, He told them, “I do not leave you as orphans…”
Many of these kids who have come to Christ have already been orphaned once in this life. So our responsibility is doubled as we determine not to leave them as spiritual orphans too. As a result our efforts have doubled. On Saturday a week ago, we took a group to Miskolc. The girls did a study on beauty after doing facials and Kally from Californian gave her testimony which emphasized God’s love for us and His desire for purity in our lives. Russ did a study on strength for the boys which included a contest in eating really hot (strong) peppers. But once or twice a month is not going to cut it. These kids need regular support. So Russ now travels to Miskolc once a week to do a Bible study (Assisted/translated by a Hungarian Christian who lives in Miskolc). The first study kicked off last week as the boys openly shared their struggles with anger and sin in their lives.
In our village of Mikepercs, the baseball team known as the Mikepercsi Mosquitoes began asking for a youth Bible st
udy, so last week we also kicked off our first meeting for this group. A puppet show ministry worked with us in the Debrecen orphanages all week and agreed to perform in our livingroom for the Mikepercs kids. We had 7or8 kids. The puppeteers performed the story of Saul’s conversion with a Hungarian sound track and Russ gave a small presentation of the gospel. The event was punctuated by French fries and American milkshakes and a good game of catch in the backyard afterward.
We are currently gearing up for a small retreat for the orphanage kids -- bringing then to Debrecen for a couple of nights to have some fun and focus on Christ at the same time. Please pray for this event as we are really tired as the summer draws to a close. And yesterday the Debrecen youth baseball team headed to Ohio for their American baseball camp. This is the first time we have undertaken such a project. Please pray for these kids who have little to no spiritual influences in their lives, that God would use all the people they come into contact with in Ohio to show His love to them.
Christ, as our example, shepherded his disciples through doubt and misunderstanding to eventually accept Him as Christ and Saviour. But before His death on the cross, He told them, “I do not leave you as orphans…”
Many of these kids who have come to Christ have already been orphaned once in this life. So our responsibility is doubled as we determine not to leave them as spiritual orphans too. As a result our efforts have doubled. On Saturday a week ago, we took a group to Miskolc. The girls did a study on beauty after doing facials and Kally from Californian gave her testimony which emphasized God’s love for us and His desire for purity in our lives. Russ did a study on strength for the boys which included a contest in eating really hot (strong) peppers. But once or twice a month is not going to cut it. These kids need regular support. So Russ now travels to Miskolc once a week to do a Bible study (Assisted/translated by a Hungarian Christian who lives in Miskolc). The first study kicked off last week as the boys openly shared their struggles with anger and sin in their lives.
In our village of Mikepercs, the baseball team known as the Mikepercsi Mosquitoes began asking for a youth Bible st
We are currently gearing up for a small retreat for the orphanage kids -- bringing then to Debrecen for a couple of nights to have some fun and focus on Christ at the same time. Please pray for this event as we are really tired as the summer draws to a close. And yesterday the Debrecen youth baseball team headed to Ohio for their American baseball camp. This is the first time we have undertaken such a project. Please pray for these kids who have little to no spiritual influences in their lives, that God would use all the people they come into contact with in Ohio to show His love to them.